A Gift: Holiday Heart Harmony
Whether you’re running around buying last minute gifts.
Trying to cook that meal that you already know is too much food.
Working on a day you know you don’t wanna.
Getting ready to spend some time with THAT part of your family.
Or just sitting around relaxing with some self-time.
I have a gift for you.
There are simple techniques and tools you can utilize literally anywhere to help you self-regulate … to calm down … to pep-up … and center yourself … coherently organizing your mind / body / and spirit in the way that best suits a given environment. The amazing thing is that the tools are adaptogenic. Meaning that the same tool can calm you / pep you / and center you, without any further effort on your part than to just USE the tool(s).
They’re not confused! They know how to help.
The Holidays can be filled with so many different versions of stress. Leading to simply feeling drained escalating to leaving yourself open to illness and dis-ease. Today I invite you to take a moment for yourself. This simple breathing and awareness experience is a gift to your Self.
I’ll speed over the boring details, but the upcoming synchronistic breathing tunes the Vagus Nerve as the mindfulness helps to regulate emotional and mental states, wrapping up in gratitude which is THE key to improved resiliency. Basically i’s the psychophysiologic experience of optimized wellness guised as a breathing exercise … which means it’s simple and real good for you.
Wishing you and yours Happy Holidays!
GIFT: Coherent Breathing as inspired by Heart Math
Begin by inhaling to a count of 5, and exhaling to a count of 5. (Adjust as necessary to fit your preferred breathing pattern - inhale 4 / exhale 4, inhale 8 / exhale 8, or something similar)
Finesse the breathing by inhaling and exhaling through the nose, or do as you see fit.
Envision something or someone you love - it might be a partner / parent / friend / pet / or a feeling. Recall the sensation of feeling love toward that someone or something.
Can you also tap into what it feels like to feel LOVED by that someone or something?
Continue to inhale to your count, and exhale equally.
Allow the feeling of Love to saturate your body, your cells, your Self.
Envision someone else (of your choosing - maybe the same person you initially imagined, or someone new) … envision them feeling love … in their body, their cells, their Self.
Continue to inhale and exhale.
After a few moments begin to notice the sound of the breath. This has the potential to settle you back into your body and illuminate your present awareness.
As you finish this exercise show yourself and your supporters (those that you envisioned) a little gratitude by saying Thank You, out loud or quietly in your mind.
~ james CRADER